Saturday, June 16, 2007


Mumsie must admit that nowadays the banking businesness must be very competitive.....cos all of them are trying their best to 'out do' one another....Mumsie have been invited by them to attend their many functions...(only recently did mumsie started to attend their functions with dadda)eg..during the puasa 'buka puasa makan.' Hotels or restaurants...HARI RAYA MAKA.N..DEEPAVALI MAKAN...ECT ECT
The above invitation card by HSBC was one of the best cards mumsie recieved..called An Italian Summer at the PUTERI PACIFIC JB. It was quite a 'classy invitation card' inviting Mumsie & Dadda to 'an evening of Italian Indulgence.. =
'An talian Gourmet Dinner ' & -A speech and Wine appreciation session.

Mumsie wasn't sure what was it all about..except that ' a phone call' by mumsie's personal fund manager...promising us a 'wonderful night' and a must to attend...
Nowadays whenever the bank wants to introduce a new Unit Trust Fund...they always invites their clients to the hotel for a BIG MAKAN and some other topic talk on Feng Shui or Diamond appreciation...ect ect. But tonight we were promised something different..
First and foremost the banguet hall was beautifully decorated for the event......and the service was excellent!

Lucky thing mumsie went straight after work with we were 'dressed' for the evening...not in tee shirts or jeans...most of the guests came in evening gowns and 'suits.....
Recently mumsie and dadda had been attending quite a few of these 'outings' but nothing as 'grand' as this.
We were given our seat nos at the entrance and had cocktails before entering the banquet hall..."all very secretive" doors were shut..Then when the doors open we were led to our tables...arranged in long rows...about 30 per row??

Mumsie's table is beautifully decorated with flowers and all

This is the menu.

And each one of us were given 4 glasses of wine..
one white and three red...Then a guy begins to talk about the wine and ' Tasting Metholology'
We were told that proper tasting technique is the first step in deepening our understanding and enjoyment of wine. And mumsie did learn something that night..(Some time ago dadda was too busy to accompany mumsie took David along to Standard Chartered Bank's wine appreciation this is a refresher course)

No 1 is to see the colour...then swirl and sniff...then sip to sample..was told to hold the 'sip' in our mouth. ..after 15 seconds...., swallow or spit the wine.........simple as that...
Dadda like this apettizer...Grilled focaccia with olive Taoebade

Then panzanella salad with poched prawn...dadda commented that the bread is a bit tough....
Dadda and mumsie likes the wild mushroom and red lentil soup

The seabass with parsley and cream sauce and Beef Tenderloin with Baked Artichoke is nice Vegi = spicy broad bean, brussels sprout, saute garlic spinach and mushroom
This is the tiramisu is goooooood toooo

As we were eating the guy on the stage did the talking..and the 'real topic 'of the evnining was .....3 FUND MANAGERS...(.mumsie was a bit 'tipsy' by then....never drank so much before...and they keep on refilling your wine glasses.) .to remember their 'titles' ect...but can vaguely understands that they keep on repeating that 'THIS IS THE TIME TO INVEST...'So keep your money 'pouring in!!!!"

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