Thursday, September 13, 2007


BCC stands for Basic Christian Community an enviroment of Christians which can provide for the basic need of its members to live the Christian life.

Every Sunday Catholic goes to Mass but at Mass, the parishioner rarely knows the person sitting next to him, unless it is a member of his own family. There is no interaction among the whole group at Mass. So the church starts to introduce the formation of B CC which constitutes of those Catholics staying around their area and Mumsie belongs to Pelangi 2 BCC. (Pelangi is a big area so gotta divide the Catholics into 1 AND 2) Each month we will meet in one of our member' house with empahasis on prayer, reflection on life and sharing of faith. And on 8th September '07 our BCC celebrates the 'convalidation of marriage' of two of our BCC'S members.. Moses and Monica who are Koreans...

There are many people attending Catholic parishes or in Catholic familes whose marriage is somehow not fully recognized by the Church. Cathoic Church law ordinarily requires baptized Roman Catholics to marry before a priest or decon. Unless they requested and received a "dispensation from canonical form," Catholics who exchange marriage vows in the presence of only ministers from other religious traditions or authorized civic officials are not considered validly married in the eyes of the Catholic Church.

Later, those couples may seek to have their union officially recognized by the Church. In technical Church terms, this is known as convalidation of a marriage. It can be a very simple proceedure...just make an appointment with the parish priest and have a 20 minute ceremony..just the two couples...But our BCC tried to do it 'differently' for Moses and Monica...(also as a farewell gesture...something for them to remember us by...cos they'll be going back to Korea for the end of this month...and the 'wedding ceremony' was held in the above chapel

Mumsie loves these dolls...standing on top of the wedding cake..
The bride and groom waiting for Father Peter..
the priest who will conduct the ceremony for them...

The chapel is a very small room with a small altar

Before the ceremony mumsie made them posed around the chapel and 'capture' them in photos

And Father Peter is he read a reading for the holyAdd Imagey Gospel according to Mark
Jesus said, "From the beginning of creation God made them male and female. This is why a man must leave father and mother, and the two become one body..They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide."
Ane the happy crowd listening to every word of THE LORD!!
Moses reading his 'marriage vows' promising to love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of their lives'
Father Peter blessing the rings which ' will be the sign of their love and fidelity'
'With this ring I the wed'
The crowd waiting for the couple to stumple on their marriage vows......
Then we pray over the 'wedded couple'
The signing of the registery...
And the witness gotta sign toooo
Mary and her family came too....
'The Family Group Photo"
The 'newly wed' in front of the altar of the Church...
'Kiss the Groom' photo
Another photo for the album
The bride with her 'make-up artist' Joan Bala
Then we took the bride and groom to a restaurant
for a nice 'makan' this restaurant is owned by one of our BBC members.. wonder did we get some discount?????
Here Robert is trying to teach the couple to 'pop' the champagne!!!
Then the pouring of the champagne
The champagne ready for drinking
Monica 'sharing' her advice with the rest listening attentively....must be something holy....
Mumsie trying to teach the newly weds to dance

See they were good students...
Well done Mumsie.....!!! See how they dance...
The singer of the day.......was Dory
Then she say a 'very touching' Theresa Teng's love song.. and the Groom was really moved to tears....!! (and we thought he wouldn't understand cos it was in CHINESE!!!)
Getting ready for the cake cutting...
See we managed to squashed everything in ..from champagn popping to cake cutting.....

WHO is happier the crowd or the 'couple'

GOSH it must be 'painful'
And we ate and drank
And we sang tooooooo
The Director said....'FEED THE GROOM'
AND drink the wine
FOOOOOD was good

The crowd was also gooooood....the supportive members of our BCC (Father Peter should be proud of us!!)
The happy happy 'bride'
This is the couple who owns the restaurant.

Another 'Family' Group Photo for the album
Congratulations...Moses and Monica
For most people marriage is one of the most important decisions and realities of their life: in it they form a community of love. For Catholics, marriage is not merely a civil contract but is a convenant between a man and a worman before God. If both are baptised, the marriage is a sacrament, a symbol of the unity of Christ and the Church. A sacramental marriage is a means of grace, giving strength to the husband and wife to live out their commitment, and to help each on the path to holiness.

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