Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Tradionally, the last day of the old year is called "Duan Yun Fan" All the family members return to theri parents's home to have their 'reunion' dinner...And this year mumsie is happy to have both her sons home..(mumsie will be much more happy if the daughters too can come home for this dinner...well mumsie should be praying harder and harder for this to happen) Last year none of her children were around...NOT EVEN ONE!!! The above dish is Yee Sang...(before it is being attacked by chop-sticks..Cos you are supposed to toss this dish before eating it...the higher the better ...more prosperity for this coming New Lunar Year
According to Feng shui (Lillian Too) it is said to be unlucky to eat out on the night of the reunion dinner. (Mumsie didn't know this , anyway mumsie had been having reunioun dinners at home all the time) All the food served must have auspicious meanings. Mumsie used to slog with the maids in the ktchen cooking and cooking and there was this year when mumsie was frying her auspicious mushroom and fat choy dish....CSM called....emertency caesar!!. Now started about 4 years back mumsie ordered from the restaurant...year the whole set..Mumsie will sent all her beutiful plates and ect ect to the restuarant one day before and will collect them on the night of the reunion dinner..The Yee Sang after being attacked by the chop sticks....
This is the prawn dish...a must have..cos prawns stands for (IN CANTONESE...HEE HA TAI SIEW) that through out the year after eating this one will be laughing (happy) throughot the year.

This is the chicken soup dish..with mushrooms which stands for every thing will run smoothly for you throughout the year!
This is called the 'four treasures' dish with suckling pig and and roast chicken and vegi and one mysterious 'wrapped gold nugget'..

This is a also a must...Fish dish...'nien nien u yew' Which means that you are never without food....

This is pi par duck and abalone...sorry forgot the name of this dishes...should have kept the menu....anyway must be something auspicious..too.
Well every year the only outsider that was invited to the reunion dinner is 'uncle Whyner' being an Euraision he doesn't have reunion dinners and more over his family (by the way he is a bachelor) is in Malacca.. and since he is working in the church...mumsie invited him home and this has become tradition...(and he happened to be David's Godpa too) And so a very happy mumsie (with her family) had a very nice reunion dinner that new year eve...Oh we 'cartered' the 'whole table' of food from a nearby restaurant..
ie the newly renovated Chinese Restaurang at the golfing range..after renovation and the new management the whole place looks quite 'posh'

1 comment:

James TC Wong said...

Interesting blog you have, Mumsie Chu! Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family! :)God bless!