Saturday, September 30, 2006


Wonder if any of mumsie " little ones" remember RJCC ??? I'm sure Cheh-cheh & David will remember going there for their swimming lessons.
Well after Cheh-cheh & Joel's departure mumsie & Dadda started going there every Saturday evening to swim...TRYING to get rid of the 'fat' that we have gathered during cheh-cheh's stay with us....must admit that this place has improoved a lot.. The changing room even have a sauna. The whole place is quite 'classy' now..well considered the amount of cash we put in some 20 over years ago (as civil servant...only $300/) we shouldn't make any complaints Now dunno ? much but private company has to dump in at least 30 over K!! Cheh-cheh when you and Joel return don't forget to visit this place!

Never stayed for dinner in the club the last few times we went there, cause gotta pick up Linny from the church then to dinner some where ...until tonight...I must say the satay there is the best in TOWN!!
Linny you must give this Satay a really is yummy...Dadda had chicken chop and it was good...(Dadda said it tasted like 'Colonial type' what he meant is that it tasted like those we used to eat when he served in the army..real English chicken chop) and it only cost $9/- Mumsie had
'hailan mee'--a mistake...very ordinary mee !

And next to our table was this Malay couple with 2 very young children..Gosh they must be starving....puasa they ordered a lot to break their fast!!! A big big plate of chili crab A big bowl of something like Cury Fish Head...An omlet dish...A big plate of potatoes with chicken a plate of vegi then a big bowl of Sharksfin soup! Now I know why Malysia has so many many FAT
PEOPLE! It was published in the Strait Times on Friday's headlines that Malaysia has more Fat people than US and Europe!! And mumsie never belive them..!!!!!


danielle said...

hello mummy!

I hope you remember how to see your comments, I've only showed you a couple of times, but seems like you are quite good at uploading pics already, so you MUST be able to read this.

I'm craving for satay now!! haha.
anyway, looks like you, dad and dan had fun. I wish I was there too so I can go kidnap tigger. hahaa.

missing you and dad a lot. (by the way, daddy looks old in the photos... like much older than I remember.... is he putting on weight?!)

MumsieChu said...

Daddy never puts on fact he should be loosing tons cos he's on the tread machine nearly every night....How I wish I too is like him so that I too can loose some pounds or oz..No stamina.. running aound CSM tooooo much during the day!!!