Saturday, June 23, 2007


This advertisment which mumsie saw on the TV during the Chinese New year season really makes one start thinking....wonder what TELECOMS who put this advert is trying to say..????.

It goes somehting like this.....(mumsie couldn't remember what were their children's professions but they are all 'big shots)

Four fairly old Chines ladies were sitting @ a mahjong table in a garden (? playing mahjong not too sure what they were doing..) The first lady told the rest of the ladies that her son who is a professor is working in the US...The second proudly added that she too had a daughter a doctor also working over seas..and The third commented that her children too are professionals all working oversea.The fourth lady listen quietly and didn't utter a word...

Then a car (a simple old car) stopped beside thier porch and a young man got out..inside the car were 2 small children and (I think) the young man's wife. He greeted the fourth lady. "Mum we come to take you home for dinner" And the fourth lady with a broad smile excused herself and said "Sorry gotta go home and have re-union dinner with my children"

As the car drove away with the fourth lady....the rest of the 3 ladies...looke at one another sulkily........

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