Thursday, October 19, 2006


I'm sure by now the whole world has heard about the haze caused by Indonesia's forest burning.
In fact mumsie is bz comparing the daily PSI level from the TV & the radio..@ present moment it is 89....supposedly this level is bad for fact S'pore kept on reminding their people to stay in doors..and avoid outdoor activities...Read in the newspapers..the other day that the haze is costing S'pore to loose a few million $$$ a day!!! Well it certainly burn a bigger hole in mumsie's pocket cause the 'vegi-guy' in the market told mumsie that vegi price is higher because of the sun for the vegi so it takes longer for harvest and not too good product..
so you've got to pay more for not so good 'hazy vegi...'

Mumsie is so worried about her flowers and plants in her garden that it also burn another hole in mumsie's pocket....electricity bill goes higher...cause mumsie gotta put most of her plants under
'hallogen light' Took some photos to proove that haze or no haze mumsie's garden still gotta look nice!!

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